One of the most important aims of cultural policy is to protect cultural property, which bears witness to the cultural history and identity of peoples and nations. This section contains further information about the protection of cultural property in terms of its objectives, the measures to be implemented, the key pieces of legislation and the relevant legal bases.
This section contains links to the registers of cultural property of national significance maintained independently by each of the Länder. Our database provides a comprehensive overview of the entries contained in all of these registers, and can also be used to carry out targeted searches for individual items of cultural property of national significance.
This website provides information on the legal situation regarding the protection of cultural property in other countries, in implementation of the provisions of Section 4 (1) (2) of the German Act on the Protection of Cultural Property (Kulturgutschutzgesetz, KGSG). Particular emphasis is placed on the signatory states to the UNESCO Convention of 14 November 1970 on the Means of Prohibiting and Preventing the Illicit Import, Export and Transfer of Ownership of Cultural Property, and the information is updated on an ongoing basis.
International protection of cultural property is based on the principle that cultural property which has been illegally removed from its country of origin cannot be legally imported into Germany. If cultural property nonetheless reaches Germany illegally, the country of origin is entitled to restitution under certain conditions defined by law. Returns of cultural property are vital to preserving the cultural heritage and cultural identity of countries of origin and societies of origin.
This section contains details of the contact persons within the authorities with jurisdiction for the protection of cultural property, as well as links to downloadable forms, publications, leaflets and other information, particularly regarding the expert committees of the Federal Government and the Länder. If you are unable to find the information you require, please feel free to get in touch with us using the contact form.
Resolution Nr. 1424 über die Genehmigung nach den Bestimmungen für die Ausfuhr von beweglichem Kulturgut und Antiken aus der Republik Litauen und der Liste der beweglichen Kulturgüter und Antiken
Resolution Nr. 1424 über die Genehmigung nach den Bestimmungen für die Ausfuhr von beweglichem Kulturgut und Antiken aus der Republik Litauen und der Liste der beweglichen Kulturgüter und Antiken
Resolution No 1424 on the approval of the Regulations for the export of movable cultural property and antiques from the Republic of Lithuania and the List of movable cultural property and antiques