kulturgutschutz deutschland


Contracting State since
Lastly updated

Contact for consular services

German Embassy
Bilateral relations and German missions


Please be aware: certain cultural goods belonging to the cultural heritage of this state are included in object categories of the so called Red Lists of the particularly endangered cultural heritage by the International Council of Museums ICOM.

National legal bases

The multilingual UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws provides access to the relevant national legal bases. Another source of information on national cultural asset protection laws is the Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws On Crime (SHERLOC) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Export ban

Authorities responsible for issuing export permits

Amalia Zapata
Registre Nacional de Bienes Culturales
Teléfono: (505) 2222-6290

Marcela Loâisiga
Delegada Patrimonio Cultural - Granada
Correo: delegacionpatrimonio.granada@gmail.com
Teléfono: (505) 2552-5535

Marlen Landero
Delegada Patrimonio Cultural - Leôn

Further Information

Further Information is available in German language.

The above information is based on the information available and deemed trustworthy at the time indicated, in particular the information provided by the State and the information as available in the UNESCO database. No guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of this information, nor can any liability be accepted for any damage that may occur. Legal regulations may change at any time without the Minister of State for Culture and the Media being informed. The decision to acquire, import, export or place cultural property on the market is your sole responsibility. It is therefore recommended that you contact the relevant diplomatic or consular representation and/or the export authorities of the respective foreign country.