- Contracting State since
- 2009.03.31
- Lastly updated
- 2022.03.02
Contact for consular services
- German Embassy
Bilateral relations and German missions
Authorities responsible for issuing export permits
Responsibility for export licensing lies with the regional communities. Up-to-date information is available from the Service Public Fédéral Finances. For cultural goods from Brussels, it is possible to apply for an export license either at the Federation Wallonia-Brussels or at the Flemish Community.
1000 Brussels
Ministère de la Communauté française
Service général du Patrimoine
1080 Bruxelles
Department of Cultural Affairs
4700 Eupen
- Duration
- No information available
- Costs
- free of charge
Here is a standard form of the Walloon Community for the export of cultural goods to the Community´s internal market.
Explanations of the form can be found here.
Further Information
See the note on the Belgian Customs homepage: "Cultural and sacred objects: some valuable antiques, works of art or sacred objects may only be exported from the country with a special permit."
See further under "Information on customs formalities":
For more information, contact the Federal Public Service Finance, Customs and Excise Administration Information Center:
Telefon: 0032/2 576 30 19 und 0032/2 576 52 19
French community:
Ministère de la Communauté francaise
Service général du Patrimoine
Madame Caroline Marchant
44 Bld Léopold II, 1080 Bruxelles
Tél: 0032/2 413.25.44
Flemish community:
Vlaamse overheid
Departement Cultuur, Jeugd en Media
t.a.v. de heer Hans Feys
Arenbergstraat 9, 1000 Brussel
Tel. 0032/2 553 68 26
German-speaking community:
Ministerium der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft
Frau Tatjana Cormann
Gospertstraße 1, 4700 Eupen
The above information is based on the information available and deemed trustworthy at the time indicated, in particular the information provided by the State and the information as available in the UNESCO database . No guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of this information, nor can any liability be accepted for any damage that may occur. Legal regulations may change at any time without the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media being informed. The decision to acquire, import, export or place cultural property on the market is your sole responsibility. It is therefore recommended that you contact the relevant diplomatic or consular representation and/or the export authorities of the respective foreign country.