non-member State
- Lastly updated
- 2022.08.02
Contact for consular services
- German Embassy
Bilateral relations and German missions
Authorities responsible for issuing export permits
10200 Bangkok
Further Information
Important note: tourists or foreigners should ask the seller for information about the export permit before buying an antique or an art object. You should only buy the objects from people who have an art trading license from the General Director of the Ministry of Fine Arts. The seller should show the license in a clearly visible place in his shop.
Office of National Museum in Bangkok
National Museum,
Na Pratal Road, Pranakorn District,
Öffnungszeiten: 08.30 -16.00 h, Samstags, Sonntags und an Feiertagen geschlossen
Further Information is available in German language.
The above information is based on the information available and deemed trustworthy at the time indicated, in particular the information provided by the State and the information as available in the UNESCO database . No guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of this information, nor can any liability be accepted for any damage that may occur. Legal regulations may change at any time without the Minister of State for Culture and the Media being informed. The decision to acquire, import, export or place cultural property on the market is your sole responsibility. It is therefore recommended that you contact the relevant diplomatic or consular representation and/or the export authorities of the respective foreign country.