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National legal bases
Definition of cultural property
Art. 2 of Jordanian Antiquities Law
a. Any movable or immovable object which was made, written inscribed, built, discovered or modified by a human being before the year AD 1750 including caves, sculpture, coins, pottery, manuscripts and other kinds of manufactured products which indicate the beginning and development of science, arts, handicrafts, religions, traditions of previous civilizations, or any part added to that thing or rebuilt after that date.
b. Any movable or immovable object as provided for in clause “a” of this definition which dates back after AD 1750 and which the Minister requests to be considered and antiquity by a decision published in the official Gazette.
c. Human, animal and plant remains which date back before AD 600.
Export ban
Export Prohibitions/ Provisions of Export Permission
Any cultural goods objects which was made by a human being before year AD 1750.
The Cabinet may on the recommendation of the Minister, lend, exchange or present antiquities if the Department of Antiquities has similar ones provided that lending, exchange or presentation shall be made to official, scientific or archeological authorities in addition to museums. ( Reference: J.A.Low, Article 10 )
The Department of Antiquities shall arrange Loan agreement with institutions, universities, academic institutes and museums, but not with individuals. Reference: Regulations for Archeological Projects, Article 15.
Sanctions (Art. 26 of Jordanian Antiquities Law):
A punishment of not less than one year and not more than three years imprisonment and a fine not less than three thousand dinars, in proportion to the value ofthe antiquities, shall be imposed on any one who :
- Trades in anliquates, assists, participates in, interferes with or incites others to do so.
- Makes fake any antiquities or makes an attempt to do so.
- Moves or disposes of any antiquities in violation of this Low including hiding or smuggling them.
- Steals pieces of antiquities.
- Trades in imitation antiquities alleging that they are genuine ones.
Authorities responsible for issuing export permits
1 - 2 weeks
Communication with the Department of Antiquities (
- Department of Antiquities signatory to the agreement, UNESCO and is committed to regarding the protection of cultural goods.
Form for lending and gifting according to the agreements clauses.
- Originality of the form based on the official seal
Further Information
Airport staff and customs officers on the border, in coordination with the Department of Antiquities.
Department of Antiquities and Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities website’s
Further Information is available in German language.
The above information is based on the information available and deemed trustworthy at the time indicated, in particular the information provided by the State and the information as available in the UNESCO database . No guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of this information, nor can any liability be accepted for any damage that may occur. Legal regulations may change at any time without the Minister of State for Culture and the Media being informed. The decision to acquire, import, export or place cultural property on the market is your sole responsibility. It is therefore recommended that you contact the relevant diplomatic or consular representation and/or the export authorities of the respective foreign country.