kulturgutschutz deutschland


Republic of Indonesia

non-member State

Lastly updated

Contact for consular services

German Embassy
Bilateral relations and German missions


The assessment is based on the legal basis available to UNESCO. The assessment is therefore subject to the proviso that it has not yet been reviewed by Indonesia.

National legal bases

Indonesian law concerning cultural conservation, no. 11 from 2010 (Law N. 11/2010 concerning cultural conservation)

The multilingual UNESCO Database of National Cultural Heritage Laws provides access to the relevant national legal bases. Another source of information on national cultural asset protection laws is the Sharing Electronic Resources and Laws On Crime (SHERLOC) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).

Definition of cultural property

According to Article 5 an object can be proposed as Cultural Conservation, if it fulfills the following criteria:

  • at age of 50 (fifty) years or more;
  • representing the style of minimum age of 50 8Fifty) years;
  • having special meaning for history, science, education, religion and/or culture; and
  • having cultural value for the strengthenibg of national identity

Export ban

According to Article 68 Cultural Conservation, entirely or partly, can only be taken out from the territory of the country in the interests of research, cultural promotion, and/or exibition at the consent of the Ministry.


According to Article 109 anyone who exports Cultural Conservation without permit of the Minister will be subjected to sanctions in terms of inprisonment form six months to maximum ten years and/or a penalty between 200 million rupiah and 1.5 billion rupiah.

Authorities responsible for issuing export permits

There are no agencies specifically responsible for issuing export licenses due to the strict export regulations.

Further Information

Further Information is available in German language.

The above information is based on the information available and deemed trustworthy at the time indicated, in particular the information provided by the State and the information as available in the UNESCO database . No guarantee can be given for the correctness and completeness of this information, nor can any liability be accepted for any damage that may occur. Legal regulations may change at any time without the Minister of State for Culture and the Media being informed. The decision to acquire, import, export or place cultural property on the market is your sole responsibility. It is therefore recommended that you contact the relevant diplomatic or consular representation and/or the export authorities of the respective foreign country.